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Pharmaceutical applications of benzoic acid

TIME:22-04-15    NUM:0

1. Pharmacodynamics: This product is a disinfectant and antiseptic with antibacterial effect; in an acidic environment, 0.1% concentration of benzoic acid has bacteriostatic effect. Usually lower pH value is better, for example, at pH 3.5, the concentration of 0.125% can kill Staphylococcus within 1 hour. The effect is weakened in an alkaline environment. External use can resist superficial fungal infections. Adding 0.05-0.1% concentration to pharmaceutical preparations or food as a preservative can inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungi.

2. Pharmacokinetics: After oral administration, it is rapidly absorbed from the digestive tract, combined with glycine in the liver to form hippuric acid, which is rapidly excreted from the urine within 12 hours, and reaches 97% of the dosage within the first 4 hours. If the oral dose is large, part of the coupled benzoyl glucuronic acid is excreted in the urine.

3. Indications: for superficial fungal infections, such as tinea corporis, tinea pedis and tinea pedis, etc.